

by Betsy Youngquist

9 x 6 x 5 x 7 inches

The materials that comprise Winston include an antique porcelain doll head, a glass doll eye, Brazilian Quartz Crystal (propulsion rods), an Amazon Parrot feather, and lots of contemporary and vintage glass beads and stones. Some of the stones and beads came from the collection of Tom and Kathy Wegman.

This piece was made to honor the gifts this incredible creative team gave to the world of bead artists and beyond. The process on this piece is mosaic.

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by Betsy Youngquist

9 x 6 x 5 x 7 inches

The materials that comprise Winston include an antique porcelain doll head, a glass doll eye, Brazilian Quartz Crystal (propulsion rods), an Amazon Parrot feather, and lots of contemporary and vintage glass beads and stones. Some of the stones and beads came from the collection of Tom and Kathy Wegman.

This piece was made to honor the gifts this incredible creative team gave to the world of bead artists and beyond. The process on this piece is mosaic.

by Betsy Youngquist

9 x 6 x 5 x 7 inches

The materials that comprise Winston include an antique porcelain doll head, a glass doll eye, Brazilian Quartz Crystal (propulsion rods), an Amazon Parrot feather, and lots of contemporary and vintage glass beads and stones. Some of the stones and beads came from the collection of Tom and Kathy Wegman.

This piece was made to honor the gifts this incredible creative team gave to the world of bead artists and beyond. The process on this piece is mosaic.

Winston was a wild child who was sent to an off planet flight school at an early age. There she excelled at intergalactic spectral physics and amorphic projection.  During her mid teens, Winston volunteered for a botanic synthesis which allowed her to flash evolve into a Mimosa Sentient. Today Winston flies her beloved rainbow ship to the edges of our known universe, sporting the Red Feather Holo as a reminder that eco sentience is the preservation status of the fleet.

Domesticated Rattlesnake #2
Chestnut Vulva Jewelry Bowl
Penis Envy Magic Mushroom